Sabine Doppelhofer This is Reportage Family Photographer of the Year

This is Reportage - Best Family Photographer of the Year

Best family photographer

What an incredible news, I still can't believe it! I am just speechless, super grateful and incredibly proud. I am the PHOTOGRAPHER & STORYTELLER OF THE YEAR 2021  of This is Reportage Family and therefore awarded as their best family photographer of the year.

This is Reportage Family is an organization of documentary family photographers that already includes over 300 photographers from around the world. 

It really leaves me speechless when I look at all my colleagues who show such great work and inspire me to take even better photos.  

Somehow it feels strange for me to write about such awards. But I participated for a very specific reason: as you may have noticed, I NEVER show the children's faces, neither on social media nor anywhere else on the internet to protect the children and their privacy rights. Here you can read more about it... 

With my participation I wanted to show that it is not necessary to show the faces of the children to be successful as a family and children photographer and even to be awarded as the best family photographer worldwide. I wanted to raise awareness and inspire as many other photographers as possible to take more faceless photos. If you need help with this, feel free to contact me for a One-on-One mentoring

I would also like to take this opportunity all my colleagues a big congratulations, it's so nice to see how much documentary family photography has grown in the last year.  

Top photographer of the year 2021 This is Reportage Family I Sabine Doppelhofer

21 of my photos won a Reportage Award in 2021 and 13 of my photo series won a Family Story Award:  

Kind geht mit Schachtel am Kopf vor roter Wand I Dokumentarische Familienfotografin Graz Österreich
Ausgezeichnetes Foto I Dokumentarische Familienfotografie
Die Finger von einem Kind halten sich am Holz vor einen braunen Wand an I Echtes Leben zeigen - Dokumentarische Familienfotografie
Canon R6 Awarded Family Photo Sabine Doppelhofer
Kind grabt mit Schaufel im Schnee
This is Reportage Family Award - Sabine Doppelhofer
2 Hände fangen 2 andere auf einer roten Rutsche auf I Beste dokumentarische Familienfotografin Sabine Doppelhofer
Beste Familienfotografin weltweit this is Reportage Family Award
Shadows of hands on a tent in front of sunset I Adventure Award Dokumentarische Familien Fotografie
Schatten eines springenden Kindes I Ausgezeichnete dokumentarische Familienfotografie
Schatten von springendem Kind über Schachbrett I Award TIR Sabine Doppelhofer
Grüner Tischtennistisch mit rotem Schuh und Fingern I TIR Award
Kind lehnt über Betonabsperrung
Spiegelung zweier Kinder in einem See mit Wolken I Sabine Doppelhofer Familienfotografie
Silhouette eines Kindes I Familienfotografie Graz
Kind geht auf Linie entlang - moderne Familienfotografie
Kind steht beim Wandern vor dem Sonnblick I Imagefotografie
Award Sabine Doppelhofer I This is Reportage Family

Wenn ich Dir helfen soll auch solche Fotos von deiner Familie zu machen, schau mal hier vorbei, bzw. wenn Du gerne solche Fotos von deiner Familie hättest, melde dich bei mir und wir besprechen alles weitere. 

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Trag Dich in meinen Newsletter ein und ich halte Dich am Laufenden mit Neuigkeiten über dokumentarische Familienfotografie, Faceless Fotos, Storytelling, Workshops, Foto Tipps und vieles mehr.  

Sabine Doppelhofer - Dokumentarische Familienfotografin Graz

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